Operational - Tactical - Strategical

vKGLA helps you on the way to better logistics purchasing results and continued strong logistical purchasing performance

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Whether it concerns streamlining processes, the purchase and implementation of warehouse or transport management systems or the optimization of stock management,

vKGLA ensures the efficient purchasing chain and optimum purchasing performance with the right people, process design and systems.

Purchasing problems that vKGLA solves for clients:

  • Peaks in demand cause stock outs and problems in the supply chain
  • The sales deviate strongly from the demand forecast
  • Purchased materials do not meet the requirements
  • (Too) a lot of stock, but not the right products
  • Purchasing processes do not run efficiently
  • Transport is inefficient and too expensive
  • Systems are out of date and need to be replaced
  • Business growth or mergers require adjustment of purchasing processes
  • Purchase performance is lower than expectations

What do procurement solutions from vKGLA deliver?

  • Improvement of working capital
  • Efficient purchasing policy and stock
  • Real transportation costs
  • Saving time (and money)
  • Better department performance
  • Assurance of knowledge in the organization

Ensure a permanently strong purchasing organization
In order to keep purchasing performance up to date and prevent bottlenecks in the future, vKGLA strongly focuses on creating support, securing knowledge, implementing the right software systems and streamlining processes.

Know how to realize an efficient purchase chain and optimal purchase performance?

Completely free and confidential



  • 3 / 4pl logistics sourcing & services
  • Technological systems, supply chain software and services
  • Freight audit payment
  • Project Management
  • Sourcing and procurement
    • 2/3 / 4pl Services
    • Transport and Contract logistics
    • Tender Management
  • Logistics software sourcing
  • Transport Optimization
  • Supply Chain and Network optimization and design
    • Network optimization
    • Control tower
    • 4pL Transport
    • Distribution / warehousing