Interim Supply Chain and Procurement Management

Operational - Tactical - Strategic

25 years of experience in the field of general and logistics management

Make an immediate appointment


Are you missing knowledge and experience to optimize your supply chain and procurement?
Need extra capacity to implement projects or implement new strategies?
Are you temporarily looking for a supply chain or procurement manager?

vKGLA offers solutions
With more than 25 years of experience and proven skills in the field of general and logistics management, vKGLA offers support in the field of demand, supply and product management. Operational, tactical and strategic.

Avoid disappointing results

Familiarities: for good reasons it has been decided to temporarily appoint an interim manager. But once the he or she has left, the organization will remain behind with disappointing results and dissatisfied employees. This is unnecessary!

Create value

vKGLA provides support and involves important stakeholders in decisions. Results are discussed, requested and unsolicited. New knowledge is embedded, so that teams work effortlessly after the interim period. That gives you and us more!

Why vKGLA?
  • Get the best out of your people
  • Provides vision and support
  • Looks great lines and has an eye for essential details
  • More than 25 years of experience
  • Anchors new knowledge in your organization
  • Expert and hands-on
  • Personal and no-nonsense

Temporarily seeking an experienced manager in the field of supply chain, procurement and logistics management?

Completely free and confidential



  • 3 / 4pl logistics sourcing & services
  • Technological systems, supply chain software and services
  • Freight audit payment
  • Project Management
  • Sourcing and procurement
    • 2/3 / 4pl Services
    • Transport and Contract logistics
    • Tender Management
  • Logistics software sourcing
  • Transport Optimization
  • Supply Chain and Network optimization and design
    • Network optimization
    • Control tower
    • 4pL Transport
    • Distribution / warehousing